Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Kato Kaelin lands a national commercial; Monobloguer is confused

Today I auditioned for an commercial. I had to be a girl who gets really excited about finding a whole bunch of Kato Kaelin fansites through Ask and then ecstatically sings, "I've got what I was looking for!" while the real Kato Kaelin emerges out of a sea of topless Kato Kaelin look-alikes.

Obviously, the question begging to be asked here is: who the fuck cares about Kato Kaelin? Don't get me wrong -- I'm happy for Kato that he got a job. But if wants to compete with Google (which they presumably are trying to do), don't you think they could shell out a few more dollars to get an actual celebrity in one of their commercials? Who would ever search for a Kato Kaelin fansite? Or is this some kind of Kevin Federline thing where he tries to make fun of himself on national TV and ends up looking stupider than ever before?

I don't get it. If you have any idea what the hell is thinking (or if you're a huge Kato Kaelin fan and want to threaten me), leave a comment below.

Oh, and just for fun, here's Kato's Myspace page. It says he's 101 years old, but he's really only 48! How clever.

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